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Combine Harvester

Harvesting has always been a farmer’s nightmare since it used to be a tedious and time-consuming process. Harvesting in fact is not one process but entails different processes such as reaping, threshing and winnowing of crops that determine the fruitfulness of the agricultural season. Modernization and technological revolution has made the farmer’s harvesting job much easier by offering a valuable machine, the combine harvester that performs all the elaborate harvesting operations, collectively.

Providing opportunities to both marginal and big farmers, the combine has effectively replaced animal and human labor. Optimizing the methods involved, creating precision in the execution of farming operations and saving the farmer’s time and effort, a combine harvester has successfully sneaked into Indian farms, both small and large.

Fieldking, a leading combine harvester manufacturer in India, is at the forefront of providing this valuable machine to farmers at affordable rates. This versatile and impactful machine provides a host of advantages such as:

  1. Making farming more accurate, Fieldking’s combine harvester minimizes the chances of crop damage and eliminates the opportunity of grain loss.
  2. It harvests large hectares of land in a smaller slice of the time in contrast to what it would take using manual tools.
  3. The combine harvester is a one-time investment since it reduces the comprehensive expenses of the farmers including the lowered labor cost.
  4. Being a low maintenance machine that is strong and durable, it provides results that constantly increase the efficiency and productivity through the years.
  5. Compatible with multiple crops, varying farm and weather conditions, the combine is able to negate the loss caused by natural disasters like floods or unseasonal rains.
  6. Keeping in line with the ideal of sustainability, Fieldking’s combine harvester is designed to lower carbon footprint and reduce the damaging environmental impact.
  7. The support of a combine harvester in agricultural production leads to increased yield, better crop quality and higher revenue.

Looking for Fieldking’s combine harvester for sale? Here are its Key features to help you make your decision faster:

  1. Consisting of good quality sieves, Fieldking’s combine harvester, ensures proper cleaning and separation of impurities from the grains.
  2. Making the threshing of the crop an easier process, the robust cylinder or rotating drum along with its sharp teeth smoothly separates grains from the plants and stalks.
  3. Available in various types, some of Fieldking’s combines are fitted with rubber tracks that work best in wetlands and areas where the wheels might get stuck.
  4. Fieldking’s headers are Hydraulically controlled, making them a significant player in the harvesting of crops; by effortlessly gathering and cutting them at different heights and angles.
  5. With multiple setting options available in the combine, harvesting of various crops such as wheat, corn, rye becomes a simple and uncomplicated process.
  6. With such a durable and specialized design, Fieldking’s combine harvester can be used in both dry and wet lands.