- Specification
- Feature

Rotary Mulcher is tractor driven agricultural implements useful for cutting paddy, palvars and bushes. It also helps in maintaining soil fertility by cutting and mixing the residues into the soil.
The key specifications of Mulcher:
- It cuts down the crop residues/grass into small pieces and spread equally over the field.
- It is highly compatible to shred vineyards & orchard pruned materials, grass, bushes, crop residues like sugarcane trash, banana, coconut leaves, paddy straw, maize stalk as thick as 2-3 cm in diameter.
- It can Shred entire cotton plant after harvesting.
- Bio mulch helps in improving overall organic structure and soil fertility after decomposition of the residues.
The key features of Agriculture Mulcher:
- The Fieldking rotary mulcher has different models based on the working width i.e. 65 inches, 71 inches, 79 inches and 87 inches.
- It has a working efficiency of 0.54-0.74 hm2/h upto 0.73- 1.0 hm2/h.
- It also provides 14 inches or 350 mm min ground clearance.
- It has variant chopping blades based on the its working width model which ranges between 96-132 blades.
- The weight of the mulcher also depends on its model with a minimum of 600 kg to 740 kg of maximum weight.
- This rotary mulcher requires a minimum of 40-50 HP tractor to operate efficiently.